Since being founded in 1989, Mediscor has become internationally recognised and trusted when it comes to pharmaceutical benefit management. Our impressive track record in delivering an efficient and effective service, encompassing all areas of medicine management and control, bears testimony to our system capabilities as well as the expertise of our staff.

Our main offering is the ability to electronically adjudicate a medicine provider’s claim in real-time against complex financial, clinical and pharmaceutical utilisation rules. We implement a customised set of rules for each client. Various electronic processing solutions are available, including real-time, electronic batch, web input and paper submissions. Our aim is to drive down medicine expenditure through the application of various cost-saving mechanisms on behalf of our clients.

Experienced – Successful PBM implementations in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and eSwatini (Swaziland)

Accredited – Mediscor was the first managed care organisation to be granted unconditional accreditation by the South African Council for Medical Schemes

Independent – Largest independent pharmaceutical benefit manager. Our company’s shareholding includes members of the executive management team and Pan-African Capital Holdings.

Progressive – BEE level 2 with a 33% black ownership

Recognised – Winner of 46 awards since 2002